Environmental Protection Begins at Workplaces!
ASEZ WAO initiates the Green Workplace project
ASEZ WAO, the Church of God Young Adult Worker Volunteer Group, carried out the Green Workplace project for a month in November 2020 to conserve electricity, water, and goods at workplaces and help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Around 680 members in Korea, Japan, India, Australia, Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Africa, and more participated in the project by executing one of eleven action plans for workers, such as turning off power strip outlets, bringing one’s own cup, and using public transport. They placed project boards and stickers in their offices or gave mugs to their coworkers to draw attention and participation and showed how much carbon each action plan can reduce at the ASEZ WAO’s website.
Members presented a seminar titled Green Workplace to promote environmental awareness for executives and staff members of a manufacturer in Korea, and an online seminar in New Windsor, NY, U.S. They let the participants understand the gravity of climate change and global warming and emphasized that they could slow the rise of the earth’s temperature with the cooperation of the world rather than a few countries’ short-term efforts. They introduced the Green Workplace project and explained that their roles as individuals and companies are important in acting against climate change. The participants agreed on the purpose of the seminars and expressed their support for ASEZ WAO.
ASEZ WAO is still carrying out the project to reduce CO2 emissions at its website.