ASEZ WAO Revives the Mangrove Forest in Davao City, the Philippines
Planting 1,000 Mangroves Along Bucana Coastal Area in Cooperation with Davao City Environment and Natural Resources Office
Seas have been protecting Earth for a long time, but recently they have been getting sick due to complex factors such as environmental pollution and global warming. As marine algae have disappeared, the seas have lost vitality, being covered with white calcareous algae; and coastal ecosystems, including mangrove forests, are dying out due to indiscreet development and pollution.
ASEZ WAO members in Davao, the Philippines, rolled up their sleeves and pitched into reviving mangrove forests as part of Mother’s Forest Project, which aims to make a green Earth by planting trees. Mangrove forests, the habitats for diverse creatures, also play a role as the natural carbon sink and ensure the safety of coastal residents and resolve food problems. Davao City Environment and Natural Resources Office welcomed ASEZ WAO’s project and provided the volunteers with 300 mangrove saplings.
On November 27, 2022, 200 ASEZ WAO members and citizens in Davao City gathered around 12:30 at Bucana Coastal Area. They planted mangroves on the wetlands that had been exposed as the sea water receded. They dug up mud with their hands wearing rubber gloves, and planted a total of 1,000 mangrove trees, shedding beads of sweat for over two hours.
Jaquelyn A., an ASEZ WAO member, said, “Because of the mud, it wasn’t easy to move and sometimes I fell down. But I was happy to be of help in restoring the earth environment through my small effort. We were full of smiles throughout the whole work.”
Davao City Environment and Natural Resources Office designated the area where ASEZ WAO planted mangroves as “Mother’s Forests.” ASEZ WAO plans to continue to plant mangroves every quarter in cooperation with Davao City Environment and Natural Resources Office.