A Message of Thanks from Heart to Heart
Cheer up kits to COVID-19 response facilities in 13 countries
As COVID-19 spread more quickly, medical workers who struggle day and night with infection testing and patient care and government officers who implement quarantine measures became busier. To support them and appreciate their work, ASEZ WAO carried out the Heart to Heart relay from November to December 2020.

The members in thirteen countries including Korea, U.S., India, Japan, Philippines, Mexico, and Argentina delivered cheer up kits to COVID-19 response facilities like hospitals, fire stations, and police stations. The members prepared the kits and wrote cards that said they were sorry they couldn’t express their gratitude to the medical workers at the front line for their hard work while busily adapting to a new lifestyle after the coronavirus pandemic.
The members in San Diego, CA, U.S., delivered 200 kits to Sharp Memorial Hospital on Nov. 29, and the members in Manchester, U.K., 40 kits to an ambulance station for emergency ambulance crews and paramedics running non-stop due to the increase of cases on the 30th. The members in Cape Town, South Africa, delivered 250 kits and an encouraging video they made to Tygerberg Hospital on Dec. 3.
The medical workers said that they were encouraged to overcome the crisis together and that those under overwhelming stress would be pleased. “The number of confirmed patients decreased and then increased again. We needed some strength. You’ve given us a timely support,” said Dr. Roshni Mistry at Tygerberg Hospital.
“I am very grateful to the nursing department staff performing dangerous tasks at the front line under the pandemic. I am happy that you have expressed your gratitude to them,” said Chairman of Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital in Pune, India, and encouraged ASEZ WAO to keep up the good work.