ASEZ WAO Support Signature
for Achieving the SDGs

Pledge of the international community for sustainable development

Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] are a global pledge that the international community has to keep together for sustainable development. The implementation period of SDGs is between 2016 and 2030, and youths of the current generation play a vital role in the world's economy during that period.

1. Promotion for Achieving the SDGs
Raise awareness of the SDGs through global promotional campaigns, centering young adult workers around the world.
Lead local residents to take action for the most urgent goals among the 17 SDGs on the basis of the needs of each country or region.
2. Activities for Achieving the SDGs
Seek for the roles of young adults to achieve the SDGs, and develop and advance programs on the basis of the needs of each country or region.
Make sure “no one is left behind” by volunteering for vulnerable and alienated groups and disaster victims.
3. Partnership for Achieving the SDGs
Establish global governance for young adults to communicate about and participate in achieving the SDGs.
Establish partnerships with organizations, civil society, government agencies, international organization, etc. to cooperate for the implementation of the SDGs.


I agree to the Take Action Project by ASEZ WAO for achieving the SDGs.