ASEZ WAO Support Signature
for Achieving the SDGs
Pledge of the international community for sustainable development
Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] are a global pledge that the international community has to keep
together for sustainable development. The implementation period of SDGs is between 2016 and 2030,
and youths of the current generation play a vital role in the world's economy during that period.
- 1. Promotion for Achieving the SDGs
- Raise awareness of the SDGs through global promotional campaigns, centering young adult workers around the world.
- Lead local residents to take action for the most urgent goals among the 17 SDGs on the basis of the needs of each country or region.
- 2. Activities for Achieving the SDGs
- Seek for the roles of young adults to achieve the SDGs, and develop and advance programs on the basis of the needs of each country or region.
- Make sure “no one is left behind” by volunteering for vulnerable and alienated groups and disaster victims.
- 3. Partnership for Achieving the SDGs
- Establish global governance for young adults to communicate about and participate in achieving the SDGs.
- Establish partnerships with organizations, civil society, government agencies, international organization, etc. to cooperate for the implementation of the SDGs.