The power to change society comes from knowledge.
Through education, we nurture ASEZ WAO activists
who can put knowledge into action.
We take action
when we know what to do
The earth is a special gift from God to humankind.
And we are living here.
Our goal is a happy world for everyone.
In the vast universe,
the earth
is a pale blue dot.
Though it is a mere dot in the universe,
it is a special dot to us,
because we live there.
The earth is the only place
where 7 billion people can call home
and sustain their lives.
All people live on this tiny dot,
both in the past and present.
The earth is a special gift from God for mankind.
However, from a certain point in time,
everything on the earth has become subject
to various threats.
In fact, we, ourselves,
are the very cause of the threats.
. . . in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights
and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction
as to race, sex, language, or religion . . .
- Article 1 of Chapter 1 of the UN Charter
There are still various forms of discrimination
in this world.
10.7% of the world's population
still lives on just a little over $1.9 a day
(International poverty line).
Source: UN Homepage
People of the age between 15 and 44
all around the world
lose their lives due to violence.
Source: World Report on Violence and Health by WHO
People are suffering
because of people.
Climate Change
According to UN statistics, carbon dioxide emission in the world
has increased by 50% since 1990
Source: UN Homepage
Plastic Pollution
It is predicted that there will be
more plastics than fish in the sea in 2050
Source: World Economic Forum Report
Reduced Biodiversity
In the past 40 years, 60% of the vertebrates
have gone extinct, and one third of the surface
of the earth has either become desert
or is under rapid desertification.
Source: UN Homepage, UN CCD
The earth is suffering
because of people.
Knowledge is power
The most important thing is the concern and interest of young adults, who will be most actively doing their social activities, during the implementation period of SDGs from 2016 to 2030.