Do what I can do

January 25, 2023
Seoul South Korea
Laura Y

From Last Year, I am joining “Use One Side Printed Waste Paper” Challenge and i am also using tumbler as a member of ASEZ WAO. Before being member of ASEZ WAO, I didn’t recognize how important my action is. But after being member of ASEZ WAO, I realized my little action is so important to protect this planet. Because there must be someone who always try to let people know about “responsibility of protecting this planet.” So I decided to become the one who take action to protect this planet to let people know that we should take action to protect this planet. So in the office, I always try to use one side printed waste paper, and when I go to cafe to buy coffee, I always bring tumbler after being a member of ASEZ WAO. So now, I became a protector of this planet in my office. If we do not put it into action, who will protect this planet? Though it’s a small action, when we do together, it will have much power to protect this earth. Let’s save the earth! From A to Z!