“Climate Contribution” Model

July 11, 2023
Korea Seoul

I was reading a news article, and read about how companies should drop offsetting-based environmental claims and adopt a “climate contribution” model instead, according to a new quality standard.

So I was wondering, ‘what is this climate contribution model?’, and found out it is something other than offsetting carbon emissions by purchasing offsets such as trees.

I agree with this. Companies shouldn’t try to greenwash themselves, promoting by saying they’ve offset their carbon emissions while they didn’t change anything inwardly, such as their products or work environment. Instead, they should be decarbonizing themselves, reducing carbon emissions, not offsetting.

What do you think? In order to decarbonize, each company needs to really know what they’re making and providing, and find ways in which they could reduce any emissions. Let all of us, ASEZ WAO members, start this move from where we work right now, and make changes!
