🌍Earth hour, One hour🕐

March 23, 2023
South Korea Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do
Isaac Jung

Have you ever heard of ‘Earth Hour’ ?

Earth Hour is an global annual event that takes place on the every last Saturday of March, when people from all over the world come together to turn off their lights for ‘one hour’ to show support for preserving our planet and for the fight against climate changes.

It was known to be started by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. The movement is an open-source platform and welcomes everyone, anywhere to take part in the movement and help protect the planet.

Switching off the light just one hour may seem trivial and little , but If the whole world takes part in this campaign by turning off just one hour, It has same effect as planting approximately 630,000 tress.

As the saying goes, “Little drops of water make the mighty oceans”. Let’s take action altogether by participating in Earth Hour campaign this coming Saturday 25th of March for just one hour, so we can protect and preserve our Earth with harmony!

Why do you hesitate? , It’s just an hour!