Sunstroke and Heatstroke

2023년 7월 6일
South Korea Suwon

Do you know the differences between the sunstroke(also known as heat exhaustion) and the heatstroke? Both of them are caused by high temperatures in summer.

Symptoms of Sunstroke : -The body temperature rises to 37-40 degrees -dizziness, headache, and vomiting may appear. Temporary fainting or muscle spasms may occur.

How to deal with sunstroke : -Take a break in a cool place -Drink water -if you are not feeling well consistently, go to the hospital

Symptoms of Heatstroke : -Core body temperature exceeds 40 degrees -Central nervous system abnormalities -altered consciousness, seizures, and hallucinations appear.

How to deal with heatstroke : -The most important thing is to lower your core body temperature -If unconscious, do not force water, just call 911

The biggest difference is that sunstroke causes a lot of sweating while heatstroke causes no sweating.

To prevent both diseases, 1.Drink water regularly even if you’re not thirsty 2. Wear loose, light-colored clothing, Wear a parasol or hat to block the sun 3. Rest during the hottest hours

Stay healthy!